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Sign-Up for DC's Red Carpet Protest_Volunteers & Supporters

Washington, DC has always been the destination of, not only tourists but, those seeking to protest their government or to bring attention to their causes. And DC residents, generally speaking, have always been accommodating and hospitable to the millions of annual visitors making their way through the city. Well now, we're going a step further! Citizens and local business want to roll out the Red Carpet for our visitors! Many businesses have signed up to provide discounts, gifts and/or an “extra cherry on top” of the goods and services they provide tourists with out-of-state I.D. Many of our citizens have agreed to not honk as aggressively when you're thinking about which way to turn while the light turns yellow (and other warm-hearted gestures). The only thing we ask in return is that you promise to contact your congressional representatives to express your support for DC Statehood. That's it! Become a 'Stand-Up' for DC! 

Sign-Up for DC's Red Carpet Protest_Merchants

Be sure to present Stand-Ups for DC! fliers to your patrons and explain how your establishment intends to "Roll Out The Red Carpet" for tourists (i.e., meal discounts, etc.) during this time and we'll include you as a "Participating Merchant" in our promotional materials. Increase the traffic you receive from tourism while helping to bring statehood to the District of Columbia!

Buy "Stand-Ups for DC!" Apparel

Let everyone know that you are a "Stand-Up for DC!" and encourage others to join the movement. 


Your donations will allow our movement to grow 'Too Big to Fail!' 

Attend town halls and be sure to get your representatives on record as to what they intend to do (not say) in order to bring an end to this undemocratic practice. Be sure to ask those unwilling to commit, "If you are not in favor of representative democracy, what form of government do you support?"

Contact your Congressional Representatives and let them know that you are insisting that they take action on granting full voting rights to your fellow-Americans (military, police, firefighters, teachers, business owners and other hard working Americans, just like yourself, who go to war, have their tax dollars spent by the government, and are in many other ways impacted by the decisions of Congress, with absolutely, no say-so as to how those politicians choose to govern them or the country. 



Sign Our Petition!

Ask the President to publically address statehood for DC in a way that can't be ignored by the press, presidential candidates, or anyone who believes we should be free of government oppression. Ask the President to "Stand-Up for DC" in a way that educates the country and shames those who fight against full democracy for all US citizens. And finally, the President must "Stand-Up for DC consistently; in a way that cannot be relegated to 1 day or 1 week's coverage and then pushed out of the news cycle.  As our country's leader, we're asking him to be the main person insisting on democracy for all. 

Contact Media Personalities

Encourage some of your favorite media personalities to cover the denial of voting rights to citizens of the nation's capital.


Here's a short list to get you started:


Here's a template letter to get you started:

Post on Social Media

Post comments on social media in support of statehood for DC.

Take pictures with "Stand-Ups for DC" apparel and post frequently.



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DC's Red Carpet Protest


March WITH Washington
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March WITH Washington
(LIVE 2018)
Stand-Ups for DC! on DCTV 


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