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DC's Red Carpet Protest

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Washington, DC has always been the destination of, not only tourists but, those seeking to protest their government or to bring attention to their causes. And DC residents, generally speaking, have always been accommodating and hospitable to the millions of annual visitors making their way through the city. Well, now we're going a step further! Citizens and local businesses want to roll out the Red Carpet for our visitors! Many businesses have signed up to provide discounts, gifts and/or an “extra cherry on top” of the goods and services they provide tourists with out-of-state I.D.  And many of our citizens have agreed to not honk as aggressively when you're thinking about which way to turn while the light turns yellow (and other warm-hearted gestures). The only thing we ask in return is that you promise to contact your congressional representatives to express your support for DC Statehood. That's it! Become a 'Stand-Up' for DC and, you too, could get the big piece of chicken!

DC Merchants

Sign up to help roll out DC's Red Carpet.

DC Citizens

If you're a DC Resident interested in helping us roll out DC's Red Carpet, let us show you what we have in mind!

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DC's Red Carpet Protest

TBA (Summer 2017)

March WITH Washington
(Online with Twitter)
TBA (Fall 2017)
March WITH Washington
(LIVE 2018)
Stand-Ups for DC! on DCTV 
Stand-Ups for DC! Comedy Showcases 
Stay in the loop and help when you can!
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